App privacy policy

This policy sets out privacy terms that apply to all apps published by Anspear Ltd. It sets out what data the apps collect, how the data is stored, what the data is used for and the commitments we make to you as a user of our apps.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us via

See also: Website privacy policy

Types of app

Our apps fall into two categories, "Publication apps" and "Library apps". Note that Publication apps do not collect any personal or usage data at all, so if you are using Publication apps only, the parts of this policy that relate to data collection, storage and use (ie the majority of this policy) will not apply to you. An exception is the paragraph headed 'Links to other sites'.

"Publication apps" are apps produced by Anspear that include a single, fixed publication. The content used by the app is provided to the user at the same time the app is downloaded, stored on the user's device and can't be added to or changed except when the app itself is updated.

"Library apps" are apps produced by Anspear that are able to download and display a range of different publications/courses. These apps are free to download and do not contain any content when you download them. Instead they allow users to download a selection of courses, which can then be accessed online. Library apps include the IAPS Digital Academy, NASBTT Learn, the Anspear app, the library app for your multi-academy trust or for your Virtual School.

If you are in any doubt as to which type of app you are using, note that Library apps require you to log in the first time you open the app, whereas Publication apps never ask you to log in.

Types of data collected

Personal details

Library apps require you to log in with a user account. Depending on which app you are using, this may be given to you by your school, multi-academy trust, training provider or other organisation, or you may be asked to register an account yourself using an email address. (Note that where an email address is matched to an account, this is principally used to manage that account. We may use it to contact you occasionally about your use of the app - for example to congratulate you on completing courses or to help make a start on your learning programme - but you can opt out of this any time. We will not contact you to try to sell you products or services.)

Personal data linked to a username typically includes a user's name and the school, college or other organisation or group that they are associated with. The apps do not gather any other personal details. This data is visible to Anspear staff and to administrators at the relevant school, college or organisation, so that they can track and report on learners' progress through courses.

In cases where users are considered to be in a particularly sensitive group, such as looked after children, usernames may be linked to ID numbers rather than names so that Anspear staff cannot identify any individuals. The users' school, college or other organisation will be able to match the ID numbers to individual learners so that they can monitor progress and use of the app without personal data being available to those outside their organisation.

Usage data

As you use a Library app, it may collect usage data such as the number of learning activities you have completed in a course, your quiz scores and and self-evaluation ratings. When you go online, this usage data is then shared with your administrator at your providing organisation so that they can track your use of the course in question. Anspear staff can also access this usage data.


As well as scores and the completion of learning activities, the app also records the time at which you interact with the app, such as opening/closing an activity, loading a course page or scrolling. This is to help us develop an accurate picture of how learners interact with our course materials. We need this to be able to improve our courses in future.

Notes and activities

Courses used within Library apps allow you to add notes to particular pages and many also include written activities that you can complete. Notes and activity answers are stored on our servers so that they can be synced when you use the same course on another platform or device. Anspear stores this data securely and does not routinely access it or share it with any other person or organisation. However, you are advised not to enter sensitive or personal information into notes or activities in courses.

Technical data

When users of library apps connect to the internet, we may log technical data such as their IP address, device model/OS and web browser. These are only referred to when necessary to provide technical support.

Use of data

Usage data collected via, or relating to, Library apps is used only for the following purposes:

  • To administer user accounts for the apps in question
  • To report on learners' use of their courses, their progress, their performance in tests and quizzes and their responses to questions such as self-evaluation questions, and to provide accreditation for the courses that learners complete
  • To provide technical support to users of the apps
  • To help improve our course materials

Data storage and security

Data is stored securely on servers in the United Kingdom. We understand the importance of data security and take all reasonable steps to maintain the security of personal data, including (and especially) that relating to our app users. The hosting provider for our data services is ISO 27001 certified.

Retention of data

We do not retain personal data any longer than we need to for the purposes set out above, after which point it is deleted.

Transfer of data

The only circumstances under which we transfer personal data relating to our apps to other parties are:

  • transfer of usage data to users' own school, college or other organisation. The data transferred is typically in the form of reports on learners' use of courses within the Library apps. We take reasonable steps to ensure that reports containing personal data are sent by secure means and will not be seen by anyone outside the organisations concerned.
  • sending a name and email address only to third-party partners for the purpose of providing accreditation for courses that have been completed. Accreditation partners will be given limited access to your information as is reasonably necessary to deliver this service, and we will require that such third parties comply with this privacy policy.

Legal basis for processing under GDPR

Library apps are typically used to provide courses for the purpose of education, training or professional development on behalf of a school, college or other organisation. Under GDPR, the school, college or other organisation is the data controller and Anspear acts as a data processor. Therefore, the legal basis for processing data is the ultimate responsibility of the school, college or other organisation that is providing the courses. Depending on the type of organisation, the legal basis is likely to be Public task, Contract or Consent. To be sure, you should contact the school, college or other organisation that is providing your courses.

Right to request data

Anspear complies with all relevant data protection law, including the right to request any personal data that we hold about you and for that data to be deleted. You can contact us via

Links to other sites

Content accessed through both Publication apps and Library apps may contain links to websites that are not under the control of Anspear. We make every effort to ensure that we only link to reputable websites, but users are advised to check the privacy policies of the sites in question, particularly if asked to submit any personal data.


All our apps are completely free of advertising in any form.

Changes to this policy

We review this policy periodically and it may change from time to time. You are advised to check this page periodically for changes that may be relevant to you.

Contact us

If you have any queries about this policy, please contact us via